If you are new to nonprofit marketing and communications or if you need to “reboot” your plan or efforts, join me for the Nonprofit Services Consortium’s first Communications Peer Circle. The event is free. It’s from 9 to 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 4, at the NSC’s new location, 326 South 21st St., Suite 301, St. Louis, MO 63103. (Click here to see location on Google map.)
One benefit of being a Community Service Public Relations Council member throughout the years is networking with other nonprofit marketing and communications professionals. During those opportunities, I’ve experienced countless times when a fellow CSPRC member or nonprofit professional provided outstanding advice, a breakthrough solution or encouragement to continue my efforts. NSC’s Communications Peer Circles promise to deliver that type of experience. You might learn a new strategy, tactic or approach. You might solve someone’s problem.
Most nonprofit and charitable organizations face the same challenges in marketing and communications. They strive to raise more funds, improve awareness of their programs, gain more members or serve more clients. The atmosphere can be filled with apprehension or anxiety when marketing and communications professionals share struggles with peers. It’s as if admitting these problems will put their organizations at a competitive disadvantage. But when professionals come together during NSC’s Communications Peer Circles — like my CSPRC experiences — there’s an understanding that sharing experiences, lessons learned and best practices can help everyone. If you mention a problem, someone might offer a solution that changes the situation from quagmire to success. If you contribute an idea that helps a nonprofit or charitable institution become more successful, you help the world become a better place.
Communications Peer Circles will be held on the first Thursday of odd-numbered months: March 4, May 6, July 1, Sept. 2 and Nov. 4. The NSC also offers a Fund Development Peer Circle, led by Donna McGinnis, and held on the first Thursday of even-numbered months: April 1, June 3, Aug. 5, Oct. 7, Dec. 2.