A couple of news items with implications for nonprofit communicators:Older Workers Bring New Purpose to Volunteer Work: The Associated Press story found that Baby Boomers, those age 45-64, enjoy the creative and entrepreneurial aspects of volunteering. You won’t get them to stuff envelopes or answer the phone for hours at a time in the back room of the office. They want to manage substantial projects or provide meaningful assistance. Good nonprofit communicators will inform their organizations about this trend and develop strategies to meet the needs of this age group. If this age group is properly engaged, even though their stock portfolios have taken a severe hit in the past few years, they will follow-up their volunteer efforts with donations.
Quarterly Fund-Raising Index Shows Slight Uptick: The Chronicle of Philanthropy publishes this index based on four key economic indicators that affect charitable giving. It confirms my observations that the economy is slowly improving and donations are gradually increasing. Communicators need to continue pushing and prodding their organizations to effectively tell their story and ask for donations.
Phil Reinke says
I happened across your website and am REALLY impressed! Kudos! We often forget that volunteering and contributing to worthwhile efforts can take on many different “faces.”
The Pinewood Derby was one of the highpoints of my scouting experience…both as a scout and the parent of a scout. My participation as a volunteer was precipated by my experiences with scouts…when I was a child…and I wanted to share that with others…then when my son “grew-up” I thought my volunteering time was over…That is when I discovered the “many faces…”
To give back, for what I received from that experience…I wrote and just released a book about the Derby called “Pinewood-Winning by the Rules” ISBN 978-1-60911-153-3. It shows that the “BIG race” can be won by sticking to the rules…Isn’t that what scouting is all about?
My son was district champ for 3 years in a row and he did that by following every rule and doing his best. It is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Borders websites…also through my website http://www.PinnacleCarRacing.com